NYC Day 8 – Manhattan Boat Trip

Another late start with a first stop at B+H – yay for them for having my Fuji Instax films in stock, it’s really hard for me to get them at home!

kircheWe wanted to use our last City Pass voucher for the Circle Line Cruise and walked through Hell’s Kitchen to Pier 83 in order to check out departures.

minipachaOn our way we accidentally came by Pacha – meh, I didn’t think of it earlier for a NY nightlife experience… next time I will.^^

miniwatertaxiI wish we had arrived earlier that day: I wanted to upgrade the ticket to the 3 hour tour for a full Manhattan round trip but it was already too late. This would be the last day with incredible sunny weather, so it was the time to do it and take the two hours trip around downtown.

norge2It turned out that doing the boat trip while the sun was going down was a pretty nice idea.

manhattan3The colours of the sky where addictive.

manhattan4Everything was just suffused with golden light.

statueoflibertyAnd there she was, the proud Lady.

eastriver1The sun was going down slowly…

unobut the United Nations where still busy.

brooklynsiteWe had a really good guide on the boat trip who taught us to remember the bridge names in the correct order: BMW for Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge and Washington Bridge.

pierWhen we finally returned to the pier it was very dark. Another long day had passed and we returned to Brooklyn to buy some fresh food and cook us a tasty dinner in our lovely apartment.